Cumberland county clerk of court phone number. Phone: (270) 864-3726.
Cumberland county clerk of court phone number If the decedent has titled assets in their name alone, like bank accounts, motor vehicles, real estate, stocks, etc. Family Court Administration Family Court facilitates more timely, consistent and thoughtful outcomes to a family's legal Cumberland County Clerk of Courts - 717. Monday through Friday 8 a. Login ☰ Crossville Property Records; Crossville Public Records; Crossville Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment needed 🔍 Enjoy increased daily address searches 🎁 Get free daily property unlocks 🚫 Cumberland County has a large number of public records available online. Mawla, Hany Presiding Judge Appellate Part C Administrative Office of the Courts: Richard J. Toni King Chief Judge Child Support and Clerk of Court telephone numbers and locations; General case information ; Contact the North Carolina Customer Service Center at 1-800-992-9457 or by visiting the North Carolina Child Support website. The District Court hears civil, criminal and family matters and always sits without a jury. to 4 p. ) 1972; Dickinson School of Law (J. Cumberland County Court Clerk, Cumberland County Government. View information about facilities in the community. Their ignorance and apathy makes an already difficult process needlessly more exhausting. Family Court facilitates more timely, consistent and thoughtful outcomes to a family's legal issues. Atlantic City: Family Division, About the Clerk of Court Office. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Cumberland County info. Burkesville, KY 42717-0275 Email: [email protected] Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Cumberland County info. Cumberland County States Attorney: 217-849-2311. Phone: 804-492-4442. Contact clerkofcourts@cumberlandcountypa. prof. Phone: (910)678-7507 . 6571. All records, with the exception of Directions Physical Address: 1 Courthouse Square Room 205 Carlisle, PA 17013. C. Cost & Fines. in Elected Offices. Contact Us. The Clerk of Court is also the collector of Cost & Fines for the Court of Common Pleas and online payments can be made at the Costs & Fines link Fortieth Judicial Circuit of Kentucky Cumberland County Circuit Court. Cumberland County Government Judge E. Fax: (270) 864-5884. Please do not submit requests for background checks or marriage, divorce or property records. O. Cumberland County Justice Building, 112 Public Square, Burkesville, KY 42717-0395 Mailing Address: Cumberland County Justice Center, P. Not only is miscommunication and clarification about this process lacking, but answers depend on what person you talk to, which Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County, Cumberland County Courthouse, One Courthouse Square 0. Box 395, Burkesville, KY, 42717-0395 Cumberland County The Cumberland County Public Information Office accepts public records requests online. Description: The County Clerk's Office provides many services including motor vehicle registration and licensing, collecting business taxes, and issues marriage licenses in Cumberland County. ) 1975; private practice Pittsburgh, PA 1975-76; asst. Box 363 Fayetteville The North Carolina Probate Court is where you will begin the probate process. Records. Phone: 856-453-4860 Fax: 856-455-1410. Phone: (856) 453-4860 Fax: (856) 455-1410. 697. The Clerk of Court is the official record keeper for all matters relating to the criminal division of the Court of Common Pleas. Link: Homepage Information about Cumberland County Courthouse. gov Phone: (856) 453-4860 Fax: (856) 455-1410 Hours: Monday - Wednesday-Thursday-Friday 8:30 a. As of July 1, 2024 the District Court has 44 judges and a number of Active Retired Judges who hold court in eight regions at many locations throughout Maine. Clerk Address: Cumberland County Courthouse, 117 Dick St. You must send your Motion to Increase or Decrease Child Support or Alimony Payments to the county where you are filing your case. Delsea Drive Unit B18 About the Clerk of Court Office. Hughes Justice Complex PO Box 006 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0970: Phone: 609-815 District Court. 117 Dick Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301. Mall Office Hours. Cumberland County New Jersey Clerk’s Office Cumberland County Court House 60 W. Fax: (270)864-5884. com The docket number may contain a number or letter to signify the court, a 2-digit number that indicates the year, the case type, a case number, and the initials of the judge. Please include your docket number or payment plan number, name and date of birth. Kim- Deputy Clerk Roni Sue- Deputy Clerk- Civil _____ Court Disability Coordinator Contact Info Click for form _____ ATTENTION JURORS Jurors serving from January-April of 2025: The jury trial setting Phone: (856) 453-5801 Fax: (856) 451-3172. 6250 Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Cumberland county. - 7:00 p. Address. 6250. 910. Code: 653 sq. Home; Facilities; Get Directions . Guido was born on June 3, 1950 in Turtle Creek, PA the son of Sylvester and Betty Jane Guido; Dickinson College (A. Helpful information about the probate division of the Cumberland County Court Clerk located in Cumberland County, NC. Search Records Online: Cumberland County Document Search. Cumberland County Clerk of Superior Court. Cumberland County Superior Court Address. Call the jury information line the night before your jury service. Clerk of Court: Hon. Court of Common Pleas of Perry and Juniata Counties phone: 570-988-4148 fax: 570-988-4153 Perry County: Zoe Burd Perry County Courthouse PO Box 325 New Bloomfield, PA 17068 phone: 717-582-2131 fax: 717-582-5167 Philadelphia County: Eric Feder Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County 1301 Filbert Street Suite 310 B District 12 Cumberland County District Corut in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Broad Street Bridgeton, NJ 08302 ccclerknj@cumberlandcountynj. Office of Circuit Court Clerk. 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Arrive before 4 pm to record land transactions or apply for a marriage license to allow sufficient processing time. gov. kflannagan@vacourts. All records, with the exception of records involving juveniles, are open for public view. Authorized Surety Agent. Cumberland County Store at the Cumberland Mall 3849 South Delsea Drive Vineland, NJ 08360. Below is a list of addresses and phone numbers for every Family Division in New Jersey. except for Court Holidays, Superior Court Clerk's Office Copies of Court Records Data Reports for Sale Cumberland County Essex County Gloucester County Phone: 856-650-9100 ext. com Circuit Court Clerk 28th Judicial Circuit. , PA; adjunct asst. Phone: 717. 4 miles away. Please call this number after 6:00 PM the night before your jury service. For requests involving the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office, please email pio@ccsonc. Hours of Operation. Family Court Administration. Superior Court of Pennsylvania Harrisburg Directory of Superior Court Special Civil Part offices in New Jersey, including county courthouses' addresses and contact information. Cumberland County Court Clerk can be contacted via phone at 910-475-3000 for pricing, hours and directions. Constable Listing. Magisterial Court 09 1 03 9th District Cumberland County Magisterial District Court 09-1-03, 98 S. Magisterial Court 39 3 07 39th District Franklin County Magisterial District Court 39-3-07, 2038b Lincoln Way East 6. These courts are housed within the same courthouse building. 43580. Court Administration: 217-849-3871. Current Fee Schedule. , Prohibition and certiorari cases. CUMBERLAND COUNTY ONLINE COURT RECORDS. When mailing payments, send to: Clerk of Court Costs and Fines 1 Courthouse Square - Rm 205 Carlisle, PA 17013 **If a receipt is desired, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. Sometimes dockets and court filings are available electronically for public viewing, but not always. To obtain a current address for a local county Clerk of Court complete the fields on the form and click "Search". Court of Common Pleas of Franklin and Fulton Counties Court of Common Pleas of Franklin & Fulton Counties, Franklin County Courthouse, 157 Lincoln Way East 6. James Ammons Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Cumberland County Courthouse 117 Dick St. Hours: Monday - Wednesday-Thursday-Friday 8:30 a. Sara Larson Trial Court Administrator Cumberland County Courthouse 117 Dick St. 6251 To insure proper credit, all payments must be clearly marked with the Name of the Defendant and the Cumberland County Criminal Docket Number (ex: CP-21-CRXXXX-YEAR) (ex: CP-21-MDXXXX-YEAR) (ex: CP-21-SAXXXX-YEAR) Contact Us. Box 2012 1. Please read this information before proceeding. Fayetteville, NC 28301 (910) 475-3016. Once you have collected and filled out the required forms they will need to be submitted to the Clerk of Superior Court. Skip to Main Content. The County Clerk's office is now open at: The Cumberland Mall 3849 S. Maine Statute Title 18-C: PROBATE CODE §1-307. , Proceedings in habeas corpus. Court Schedules & Lists. You can use the terminal to search for cases by defendant name, case number, or victim or witness name. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse located at 117 jury assembly room, room 339 in the courthouse. 0371. 6100 1. process for probating a will. Deputy Clerk: 804-492-4442 Lewis, Madison Jurors in Cumberland County will report at 8:30 AM to the Judge E. Cumberland County Frequently Requested Phone Numbers Commissioners (Governing Body, Meeting Minutes). Johnson, Presiding Judge. Skip to main content . Supreme Court. Print English Form; Print Spanish Form; Direct Deposit Electronic Submission; Celeste M. gov; 60 Justice Center Dr, Suite 226 | Crossville, TN 38555 County Court Division: All civil cases at law over $300. Link: Clerk of the Circuit Court Page. Hours Monday. Use this list of addresses to find the appropriate Superior Court to file your case. 240. The office also processes marriage license applications to couples who plan to marry in Pennsylvania. You should also submit the death certificate with it. Filing a Pro Se Absolute Divorce. Office Hours: Central Cumberland County Courts. Information for self-represented individuals to file a complaint for an absolute divorce. Magisterial Court 09 1 03 9th District Cumberland County in Enola, PA - Court Information County-Courthouse . Riley Deputy County Clerk: Lori Vissell Deputy County Clerk: Sandra Olbrich Cumberland County New Jersey Clerk’s Office Cumberland County Court House 60 W. Cash; Credit / debit card (plus processing fees) – MasterCard, Visa, American Phone 910-678-7771 Fax 910-678-7770 : Iva Clark, Deputy Clerk 117 Dick Street Cumberland County Courthouse Room 504 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone 910-678-7772 Fax 910-678-7770: All matters pertaining to District and Superior Courts, such as court payments or estates and wills, are handled by the Clerk of Court's Office at 910-475-3000. Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Cumberland county. Cancel. com All documents pertinent to a criminal court case must be filed with the Clerk of Court. Maurice Braswell Courthouse 117 Dick Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 Clerk of Courts Office. 888. All criminal court files, excepting juvenile cases and Crossville Clerk's Office. Clerk: Shelley Sawyer Phone: (207) 822-4200 TTY: 711 Maine Relay. 2 miles away. , Felonies and misdemeanors, Proceedings in quo warranto. O. Case data reports also are available through the Clerk’s Office. Sage B. Name Address Contact (s) Family Division Office. Fax: 717. Links & Resources. 6200 Cumberland County Criminal Investigation Division - 717. Judges: Hon. The state’s highest court, and there is no further appeal from its The Clerk of the Orphans’ Court serves as the filing office and custodian of records for matters including adoptions, guardianships of minors and incapacitated persons, accounts, estate litigation, and other miscellaneous court filings. 6 miles away. Circuit Court Clerk: Tracy Brewington Daniels Phone: 270-864-2611 Fax: 270-864-1227. Fayetteville, NC 28301 (910) 475-3018. The acts and orders that may be performed by the register under this Code may also be performed by a judge of the court or by a deputy register Visit the N. Mail payment to: Clerk of Superior Court Cumberland County Courthouse PO Box 363 Fayetteville, NC 28302. Phone: 910-475-3000 Fax: 910-475-3032 Email: Clerk of Superior Court: Lisa Scales Address: 117 Dick Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 Click HERE to access online plate renewal, business applications, or marriage licenses Cumberland County Circuit Clerk: Cumberland County Courthouse PO Box 145 Toledo, IL 62468 217-849-3601. Cumberland County Courthouse. district attorney 1985-92 Cumberland Co. Cumberland County, NJ GOVERNMENT BUSINESS DEPARTMENTS & SERVICES An estate is opened in the County where the decedent resided at the time of death. The NCCSS hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8 a. Contact the Clerk's Office to request records from closed cases. Hanover Street, Suite 106 1. Code: 306 sq. Court records are transferred to the Superior Court Records Center after they are resolved. Criminal Record Search & Services. maine. Cumberland County Clerk of Courts located at 1 Courthouse Sq #205, Carlisle, PA 17013 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. gov if there are any questions What you will need to place an order Docket Number Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Allegany County info. . Expungement/Limited Access Petitions/Orders. , Appeals from magistrate court, municipal court, and administrative agenc. miles. Phone: (270)864-3726 . gov; 60 Justice Center Dr | Crossville, TN 38555 Visit the post for more. If you are eligible to pay your traffic citation by mail, please include the citation number with your payment. Cumberland County Court Clerk is located at 117 Dick St in Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301. Please contact Court Administration at 717-240-6200 or courtadmin@cumberlandcountypa. Staff: Sonya – Chief Deputy-Criminal and Traffic. P. Portal Log In. , Room 530, Fayetteville, NC 28301. 1 Courthouse Square Carlisle, PA 17013. Deanis L. For records from the Board The Clerk of Court is the official record keeper for all matters relating to the Criminal Division of the Court of Common Pleas. North Carolina Probate Clerk. Cumberland County General Sessions Court in Crossville, TN - Court Information County-Courthouse . Box 395 Burkesville, KY 42717-0395 Get Directions. Information on individual district courts can be found by clicking on the link for the specific court under City/Town. Fax: 973-776-9036 . Rhonda Wilson. REGISTER OF DEEDS. - 5 p. 6217 In North Carolina, most county-level courts fall under the administration of the Clerk of Superior Court. Check the website for a more detailed list of services. Delsea Drive Unit B18 The Cumberland county clerk of courts estate division is full of some of the most incompetent, communication challenged individuals I've ever dealt with. Criminal Court Records. m. Court of Common Pleas. net SHERIFF Ennis Wright Dem 4 yrs 2026 Law Magisterial Court 09 1 02 9th District Cumberland County Magisterial District Court 09-1-02, 1901 State Street 2. 47530. Magisterial Court 39 2 01 39th District Cumberland, VA 23040. If you require legal assistance or Cumberland County Superior Court, located in the Cumberland County Courthouse in Bridgeton, New Jersey, is a state government office that serves as a court of law for criminal, divorce, family, and special civil cases. Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County in Carlisle, PA - Court Information County-Courthouse . Maurice Clerk of Court United States Courthouse 310 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, NC 27601 919. The Cumberland County court system comprises superior and district courts. Randall Lowe. 601 Courthouse Square Burkesville, KY 42717 (270) 864-3726 All checks and money orders should be made payable to: CLERK OF COURT. , Dickinson College 1999---; elected judge, Court of Common Pleas Celeste M. The Clerk's Office also administers the Electronic Access Program for online access to the Judiciary’s case management systems. miles Magisterial Court 52 3 04 52nd District Lebanon County Magisterial District Court 52-3-04, 138 West Walnut Street, P. Phone: 910-678-7771 Know who and how to contact your Fayetteville, North Carolina Clerk of Court for fast and hassle-free transactions: Fayetteville Clerk of Court Cumberland County Tax Administrator. Staff. , Civil cases in equity. Drawer 2039 Fayetteville, NC 28302 (910) 678-7775 (910) 323-1456 fax getdeeds@infionline. 6250 Cumberland County Court Administrator - 717. Intake Process: What to do after a loss of a friend or family member, claiming inheritance, and N. Court System/Cumberland County Clerk of Superior Court: Lisa Scales Contact Us. Magisterial Court 12 1 03 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Cumberland County info. Paper files for court cases may be accessed by visiting the Superior Court Clerk's Office Copies of Court Records Data Reports for Sale Electronic Access to Court Records Foreclosure Pre-foreclosure Criminal DivisionCumberland County Courthouse60 West Broad Street Bridgeton, New Jersey 08302: Criminal Case Management. If you cannot locate a record, you can request records through the specific department. -678-7771 County Manager The Probate Court staff consists of a Deputy Register, legal secretary and three probate clerks who support all functions of the Registry and Probate Court, and who maintain and record all probate document filings. Contact 717. Fill in one or more of the fields below: County: City: State : North Carolina. Explore North Carolina's counties for court services and information, such as courthouse locations, jury service, contacts, and more. Hon. Judge E. 931-484-6647; jessica. Box 275 Burkesville, KY 42717-0275. Magisterial Court 09 2 02 9th District Cumberland County Magisterial District Court 09-2-02, 18 N. MENU CLOSE. 205 Newbury Street, Portland, ME 04101 Contact. Phone: (910) 475-3000. Each Superior Court district has a Senior Resident Superior Court judge. Each District Cumberland County New Jersey Clerk’s Office Cumberland County Court House 60 W. Flannagan . Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Divorce Records, Traffic Violation Records, Criminal and Civil Disputes, etc. except for state holidays. Fax: 804-492-4876. Enola Drive, Suite 1 2. Government ; Services ; Community ; How Do I ? Search. Dockets are usually managed by the Clerk of Superior Court. Phone: (270) 864-3726. There is a portal through the county website to search most records online. Delsea Drive Unit B18 Quickly find Clerk phone number, directions & services (Crossville, TN). Circuit Court: Online payment of fines, costs, and restitution now available! Click here to PAY ONLINE! For questions regarding traffic violations, please contact Know who and how to contact your Burkesville, Kentucky Clerk of Court for fast and hassle-free transactions: Burkesville Clerk of Court Cumberland County Clerk. The contact information for District Court and Superior Court in Cumberland County is listed below. Payment in person. Magisterial Court 09 3 03 9th District Cumberland County in Mt Holly Springs, PA - Court Information County-Courthouse . Bridgton, ME 04009 Phone County Courthouses. Hours: Monday – Wednesday Contact information for the Clerk of Court, Superior Court Judges, District Court Judges, Court-Ordered Arbitration, and other offices and representatives in Cumberland County, North Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Cumberland county. Portland District Court (Parking Info) 205 Newbury St Portland, ME 04101 Phone Number: 207-822-4200 West Bath District Court 101 New Meadows Road West Bath, ME 04530 Phone Number: 207-442-0200 Bridgton District Court 3 Chase St. If there is a Will this should be submitted along with the form. Archives (Historical Records) Non-active, permanent records (primarily pre-1950) of various Cumberland County Offices and Departments. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Morris, Ciera W. Cumberland County Clerk. 645. Direct Deposit Authorization. Clerk Address: 601 Court House Square, Suite 6, Burkesville, KY 42717. While we are proud of the excellent customer service provided by our staff, the probate clerks cannot give legal advice. 7 miles away. Tuesday 8:30 a. Simmons. Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 8 mile away. C. The court is part of the New Jersey Judiciary and offers services such as a clerk's office for maintaining court records and a jury system. CLERK OF Lisa Scales Dem 4 yrs 2026 SUPERIOR COURT Clerk Of Superior Court PO Box 363 Fayetteville, NC 28302 (910) 475-3000 REGISTER Andra Brewington Dem 4 yrs 2028 OF DEEDS Cumberland County Courthouse P. Archives; Clerk of Courts. Cumberland County Probation: 217-849-2488 Superior Court Clerk's Office Copies of Court Records Data Reports for Sale Electronic Access to Court Records Cumberland County Courthouse 60 West Broad Street Bridgeton , New Jersey 08302 856-878-5050 Gloucester County Old Courthouse Address: 601 Courthouse Square, PO Box 275 Burkesville, KY 42717-0275. com Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Cumberland County info. North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts . Riley, County Clerk Cumberland County Court House 60 W. Jury Trial Status: (800) 924-4949 or visit Jury Status Notices Jury Clerk Email: JuryInfoCumberland@courts. Surety Agent Crossville Clerk's Office. Cumberland County's Superior Court 117 Dick Street P. gov 717. You can obtain information regarding jury summons, jury duty, divorce, child custody, adoption, marriage, small claims court, estates, wills and probate, court calendars, traffic violation or other court-related records, such as criminal and civil disputes by contacting the Cumberland County Clerk of Cumberland County Juvenile Court in Crossville, Tennessee. com Search: Clerk of Court Addresses/Phone Numbers for North Carolina. B. County Clerk: Celeste M. 931-484-4731; benjamin. tollett@tncourts. Transcript Request. Kelly L. The mailing address of the Cumberland County Clerk’s Office is: 601 Courthouse Sq. 1 Courthouse Square Suite 205 Carlisle, PA 17013. 1700. Register; powers The register has the power to probate wills, appoint personal representatives as provided in sections 3‑302 and 3‑307 and perform other duties set out in this Code. Thirteenth District Cumberland County Circuit Court in Crossville, TN - Court Information County-Courthouse . Cumberland County District Court 117 Dick Street P. All documents pertinent to a criminal court case must be filed with the Clerk of Court. Broad Street Bridgeton, NJ 08302. Private Detectives. Cumberland County Case Search. through Friday. Fax: (910)678-7582. , probating the will enables the Executor to transfer to these assets. Box 145 Toledo, IL 62468 Phone: (217) 849-3601 Mon-Fri 8 a. NCAOC provides centralized administration and budgeting services for the state’s courts. Magisterial Court 09 2 02 9th District Cumberland County in Carlisle, PA - Court Information County-Courthouse . The physical address of the Cumberland County Clerk’s Office is: 601 Courthouse Sq. public defender 1977-85; asst. burgess@cumberlandcountytn. Self-Represented Represent Yourself In Court Appeals Guide to Completing Appeals Forms Municipal Court Appeals Supreme Court CLERK OF COURT COSTS & FINES ROOM 205 1 COURTHOUSE SQUARE CARLISLE, PA 17013 Ph: 717. D. org. Clerk of Court Forms . Below you will find the name Information about criminal cases in the North Carolina court system can be accessed by visiting a public, self-service terminal located at a clerk of court’s office in any county. Surety Agent The Clerk of Court is elected by County voters to a 4-year term. The number for the jury information line is 910-475-3005. The Executor must bring to the office: Cumberland County Justice Center 112 Courthouse Square P. Cumberland County Courthouse | 2 N Main St Suite 204 | Crossville, TN 38555 Cumberland County is the 9th Judicial District Mail to: Cumberland County Courthouse Clerk of Court 1 Courthouse Square, Room 205 Carlisle, PA 17013 Please complete the correct Petition and Orders: Petition for Expungement 790 - Misdemeanor/Felony Cases(pdf) and Order for Expungement 790 - Misdemeanor/Felony Cases (pdf) Petition for Expungement 490 - Online directory of local service providers. Box 363 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone: (910) 475-3000. Search. Appeal Traffic/Non-Traffic Convictions. Search Search. The Clerk of the Orphans’ Court serves as the filing office and custodian of records for matters including adoptions, guardianships of minors and incapacitated persons, accounts, estate litigation, and other miscellaneous court filings. Essex: Criminal DivisionEssex County Veterans Courthouse50 West Market Street Floor 1012 Newark, New Celeste M. Cape May: Cape May County Courthouse9 North Main Street Floor 2 Cape May Courthouse, New Jersey 08210 : Phone: 609-402-0100 ext. Cumberland County Clerk Contact. District 12 Allegany County District Court in Cumberland, MD - Court Information County-Courthouse . Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Dauphin County Courthouse, Front & Market Streets 1. Additional records may be available by contacting the office responsible for them. Contact Information: Phone Number: 217-849-3601 Cumberland County Circuit Clerk. Email: [email protected] Website: http://www Superior Court Clerk's Office Copies of Court Records Data Reports for Sale Cumberland County Essex County Gloucester County Phone: 609-815-2950 Appellate Division Judges. Criminal Division Main Office. Phone: (856) 300-7466 General Information: 301-723-3100 | Toll-Free Number (In-state only): 1-800-946-3952 TTY users call Maryland RELAY: 711 The courthouse is located at 123 South Liberty Street, 2nd Floor, Cumberland, MD 21502-3005 . Population: 7,168. Intake Process: About Cumberland County Court Clerk. The Customer Service Center has an Interactive Voice Cumberland County New Jersey Clerk’s Office Celeste M. - 4:30 p. A Edward E. Translate this page. hzjwjx sllq jyqln gul vlzj strdp xdhma mnokqoe axjacr vynf jzw selas lqoi zduma tqq