Harry potter drunk marriage contract fanfiction " Harry and Hagrid walked up to a goblin pouring over a ledger. One of a collection of possible sequels to Harry Potter and the method of double-tap. Friends of Harry Potter have cast doubts upon his sanity, saying that when told the news, he actually laughed. A/N: This story is AU and Harry and Daphne find themseves trapped in a hasty marriage after a drunken night, and there is no way out. Bound by Pureblood Traditions, Harry can only use that to his advantage. His quill hovered over a half-filled form, a drop of mischievous ink threatening to smudge his paper. "Good morning. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Friendship - [Rose W. Harry had the core classes of Transfiguration, Charms, Defensive and Offensive Magic, Potions, World History and Politics on his schedule next to Quidditch. "Good evening Headmaster, good evening again Professor McGonagall. (James) James Charles Potter do hereby enter my son Harry into marrying contract. The two remaining marriage contracts were annulled, and the then Lord Black demanded the return of the Tiaras but was denied by his financially down counterpart. "That neatly gets rid of that contract, as Ginerva is no longer a magical human. "A Marriage contract between Harry, That's it he was drunk, is there a way to get the boy out of this on some technicality like his fool of a godfather was intoxicated. The war is over. Thankfully she was spending the summer with Uncle Orion and Aunt Walburga who could care less for her comings and goings so a trip to Diagon Alley when unnoticed. Best stay close. M. Being Harry Potter didn't get him stared at 'Down Under' like it did in Britain. ] - Chapters: 26 - Words: 150,027 - Reviews: 2,010 - Favs: 9,829 - Follows: 4,330 - Updated: 3/17/2010 - Published: 12/21/2009 - Status: Complete - id: 5598642 "Be still Sirius. How will Harry cope. All allowances except to Harry James Potter was to cease immediately. Harry Potter isn't very good, and he gets very She then looked down, and saw something new that hadn't been on the contract when she'd convinced her father to sign it, a "Line Continuation" clause, which allowed Susan's children, if she and Harry were to wed, to inherit either the Potter (and now the Black) line, or the Bones line (as Susan was the only surviving child of the last Heir). The contract is Harry and Cyrus quickly signed the contract and Bloodthirst healed both their hands as he pulled a rope out. Everything is canon up to a certain point - Voldemort is dead, Harry is still alive, Dumbledore, Snape and everyone else who died in the Great War is dead, except Fred because he's my favourite twin, Weasley and character and I was in tears when he died, so I am Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts. I have a proposition for you. It was for the best, Harry reminded himself for perhaps the 100th time. She ran away because you are fixing a contract. All objects taken without the express permission from a Potter was to be returned. "I think I know Harry Potter better than you do. "You don't know what you're talking about. " "I see. Or Harry and Sirius are confronted by a marriage contract for Harry. So when he comes to the Blacks to negotiate a possible marriage contract between his son and their youngest daughter, they, arguably, outnumber him two to one. Harry James Potter is to be betrothed to the first available (female was crossed out ) women in the Main line. Why, she kept asking herself. "You knew the Harry Potter who was terrified he was going to die. If you hurry, you can hit the shops and get some wedding clothes that will fit Lord Potter before your five o'clock wedding. Hermione looked shocked; she wondered how her dad knew she had been in love with Harry for years. DeepCutt said. However the pairing for this story will be Harry/Padma/Parvati and a marriage contract will be involved but not the typical you have to marry or you die type contract. After reading the contract she realizes she had no choice but to go along with this but she the groom was not what she expected. It may not be the kind of caring that a marriage contract should be built on. A parallel universe to Harry Potter and the unwanted marriage contract. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or anything related to the world created by J. Spells,books,letters, television,and Memories (a/n Based on the Harry Potter's Las Vegas challenge made by Bloody Brandy. Her eyes grew misty and Harry could tell she wasn't exactly happy about this. Why would her family, whose motto was family above all else, agree to a marriage contract with such a dark family?She badly wanted to blame her father or even her grandfather, but knew the blame lay many "The Boy Who Lived, A Magical Tale of Harry Potter" She said aloud before beginning to read. 'Came by owl. A truly everyman MC Harry: Harry Potter is a regular boy raised lovingly by his parents in the wizarding world. He came to Harry and kneeled down by his chair, making sure he was eye level with him. Chapter 1. A lot can happen in ten years. , Scorpius M. Harry's jaw dropped how was he supposed to care for them, let alone all of them! "Harry here are you magical abilities and houses you are of lordship. Both of Daphne's parents looked as if a troll had just clubbed them over the head. Voldemort is well and truly dead. The Marriage Contract was null and void while the Dowry was to be returned. Harry Potter awoke feeling like he had just had a wonderful dream. Cygnus has not changed since he was a boy – still round-faced, good-natured, and a little too drunk to the head even when sober. S. -The Potter Luck strikes again, Harry and his wife have to fight someone before they even leave Vegas, and win quickly thanks to Harry. Chapter Two: the Coven. /N. " Harry snapped, and immediately Molly Weasley was bound and gagged. So it is a Harry Potter x DC animated universe. Will Harry ever understand love. "Cone on James, Lily well love him marrying two bettificsl girls. Hagrid answered, "They're goblins Harry. Lucius hardly remembers her. Harry glanced down and saw a professionally written contract, a marriage contract. Both for House Potter. "We Lord Potter, Lord Black and Lord Bones, draw up a marriage contract between Harry James Potter, Narcissa Druella Black and Amelia Rose Bones. " Harry took revenge on Tonks and grinned: "You are in the positive pile Harry heard a sharp gasp beside him and saw Hermione cover her mouth with her hand. What will they do. He then patted the huge amount of paperwork that was apparently Harry's marriage contracts. To the guardian(s) of Harry James of the House Potter, This notice marks the activation of a Potter-Greengrass marriage contract. " "Ok, fine. It’s a light-hearted piece of fiction, and it’s not meant to be taken too serious. By: and make an escape to Paris or Rome until her mother's nagging over marriage contracts ended. I do not own anything belonging to Harry Potter or DC Superheroes. In a desperate attempt, they sign a marriage contract, which says they have to be married for a year. Harry was confused beyond belief. Tonks/Fleur D. For eight glorious weeks he had been free to be a normal teenager. Otherwise known as Harmione, the H. A/N: I don't own Harry Potter and wouldn't particularly care to. Sharpnock gave a toothy grin "Not only you as the contract is to Marry daughters of House of Bones, hence Mr. The Pellinore has a contract with the house of Stacey so 19 Jessica is who the contract refers to. Look, at least give yourself a chance to meet them before you press all your anger out at me for doing this alright. Harry stared at the Goblin, his face utterly pale. the competition 7. Harry Potter isn't very good, and he gets very lucky. Harry and Sirius are confronted by a marriage contract for Harry. Harry Potter, a superhero, and a supervillain walk into a bar. I, James Charles Potter does hereby enter my son Harry into this marriage contract. The changes are minor, but I believe make for a better story. " Madam Bones stated. Snape stood and walked around the desk. "Betrothal Contract," Harry echoed, "But – isn't that –?" "A marriage contract, Harry," Hermione said. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [Harry P. Harry heads into his fifth year, new challenges await him that he, nor anyone else saw coming. This will be a multi-chapter story. the traditions 8. Besides, father hasn't agreed to it yet. Potter!' The Goblin gave its best smile that made a portrait of a baby behind Tonks, Harry and Remus cry. Lord Potter has requested a meeting with us in order to meet you and your Aunt, Madam Amelia Bones. With new relationships and strong allies, The house of Potter will prosper under one Harry James Potter. He did not understand what this was all about. At least that was his rationale as he watched the Goblet of Fire try and make its first selection. It was only through trickery that the Blacks received the Tiaras nearly a hundred years later in the 16th century as the then Prewitt Lord found himself facing hard financial turmoil. – denotes a scene break. Harry blinked; he'd been staring at the blank white paper for five minutes. We just figured that we would do the bachelor party before school starts, because we won't have time for it before the wedding. Harry and Sirius have to cope with Harry getting entangled in another unexpected Marriage contract. "She ran away with a mudblood!?" Arcturus roared as he stood up. Albus Dumbledore had no more rights to control Harry James Potter in any way. Ok James, Edgar what else should we include? "No Harry of course you're not. " That was still early, Hermione thought. We know that it is you who has the power to decide the marriage contracts in the family. I should state for the record that as Harry Potter was a minor at the time, the magical contract could have been stopped and Harry Potter kept out of the dangerous tournament. The peveralls and Fleamonts have no marriage contracts. The Rolands have 1 contract with the house of Declour, so 14 old Fleur is now engage to you. "You can't have it both ways sir. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the Harry Potter books. Harry was still unconvinced of the true importance of it all. Parseltongue p. Pillet say he sorry for hurting white Owl, and that all Greengrass elves will fight if Potter Elves try to speak with Harry Potter Sir's Daphne. Harry and Daphne Greengrass find out their parents put together a marriage contract when they were born, now they must deal with it. "Oh, Harry and I are only marrying in December. "Fine, I A/N: I know that it is a much used storyline, but this is my attempt at a Marriage Law fic. And I got to thinking, what if James had gotten drunk and signed a marriage contract for Harry, one that married him to the - Harry must be involved in a marriage contract (Accepted) - James and whomever he made the contract with must be drunk when the contact is drawn up (Accepted) - James and whomever Harry is living as normal of a life he can. the outburst 5. Daphne bowed her head. "What did he do?" he asked weakly, his stomach turning. I write for my own pleasure. Harry was starting to believe his fighting lessons were more important than Dumbledore's trip down memory Pillet of Greengrass elves tell Dobby to stop Harry Potter from trying. Specifically, into my answer to the Blood Brandy Vegas Challenge, which will forcefully introduce Harry to the DC Universe just when a number of sidekicks and younger heroes are getting a little antsy with the current status quo. Do you know a Violette Montrousse?' 'He's been sent a what?!' Mrs Weasley shouted. Little did they know what Fate had in store for the two older witches and their own futures with the missing Potter Heir. "But that doesn't make sense," Harry said, "Three Betrothal Contracts. Harry never saw the look of shock evident on their faces. FanFiction | unleash Follow/Fav Harry Potter and the Turn of the Shrew. The subreddit for discussions about the Harry and Hermione pairing in the Harry Potter universe. This contract is for the betrothal of the houses of Bones and Jones, (some golden stain). A marriage contract. A rewrite of 'Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts' done to improve some of the story elements, cut down on the Weasley bashing, and generally make a bit more sense. See Page 4. " Harry found himself wondering if Dumbles knew that his eyes lost their twinkle when he was angry. If not available it is to go done lesser lines. Time In 1888, prophecy was made bonding the Weasley and Malfoy families in marriage for a future generation. "Andi, it's a bloody marriage contract! A contract to the dumbest, ugliest, sorriest excuse for a human being that has graced the world of the living! Sweet 'Harry's been sent a marriage contract. ' Ron pointed at Harry. Bundled against the November chill, she was walking with no destination in mind. Part Five. the holidays 16. . the trick 17. Harry had just arrived at the Dursleys house (Durzkaban as he called it) the day before and already he was ready to get out. ' Bill reached for the contract, lighting his wand to better read it. Harry Potter dependant on the charity of his friends. That is until a marriage contract flips everything on its head. Clever as they come, the goblins, but not the most friendly of beasts. , Daphne G. Even if he was drunk, I'd likely lose the marriage contract with Draco, but I never wanted it anyway and I'd still be valuable enough for my parents to find someone else, likely with lower social and economic status, The war finally over and everyone was married and happy. Chapter 1: First Additions. As Harry, Remus and Tonks began opening the mail they came to the discovery that they were all contracts for marriage. the game 15. Potter of this occurrence. Short, oneshot, not angsty. Pairing: Tony Stark/Harry Potter. the voice 4. Harry asked how he was meant to marry them. Title: Iron-Bound Commitment. There is Dumbledore bashing, Molly bashing, Ginny bashing and Ron bashing. Harry Potter and the Wizarding World are the property of Joanne Rowling. It's a cliche take on the cliche marriage contract cliche, plus some smut. The wizarding world in Britain could not survive without it. "I'm Harry Potter," said Harry Potter, "This is my familiar, Bellatrix, I thought I'd prepare myself for the types of clauses that you might be wanting in marriage contracts, in the eventuality that you asked me to review something for you. Snape had been telling him about individual Death Eaters and some of their favorite methods of fighting. "Name?" the goblin asks "Harry Potter", Harry says softly Amidst all this, Harry Potter sat at his huge brown desk, stacks of documents staring down at him. "Then who did. the forms 10. Let's wow it up, I've got a dicta-quill". Ginny Weasley was going to be facing the entire Wizengamot, not a single member had failed to This story is meant to be more entertaining, rather than realistic. You have been too busy fucking Weasley to pay him any attention at all. But if you choose this contract, I promise I will do my best to make you happy. 'Good afternoon, father, mother. Harry James Potter will be a lord upon his wedding. Ex. /?/?/?) Chapter 1: Prologue. " Hermione flinched as it struck. " "Your Aunt and Uncle will always be your family Harry. L. the class 14. Not a Harry/Ginny fic. What Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley don't know, their lives are about to change. Will this simple thing change the course of After Voldemort's defeat, and in order to keep control of Harry Dumbledore enacts a marriage contract between Harry and Ginny. Harry was heading back from yet another detention with the foul pink Umbridge, when a girl – a blonde girl But then he gets pulled into a contract. Harry had been training with Snape and Flitwick over the past few weeks. , Narcissa M. The clicking of her heels echoed off the masonry as she made her way down the misty, almost empty street. The idea game him a big smile. With new relationships and strong allies The House of Potter will prosper under Harry James Potter. After Harry had introduced his charges to the 6th and 5th year, the Creevy's took a few pictures ~You kids will be able to show everyone you know Harry Potter ~ then helped Harry and the kids get all their luggage on the train. Everything in his life so far was focused toward the war. The only way Harry can get free of those who wish to use him is to agree to an already made betrothal contract created by Dorea Black-Potter. However, Harry Potter is still the main character of the story that becomes the primary figure of his generation in the fight against Voldemort. "What can zis lowly creature do for you?" "Cut the crap, Fleur Deposits not made by Harry James Potter. But then he gets pulled into a contract. " "I'm not drunk. Rating: M. Houses Sorting Hat Could Place Harry: Slytherin,Gryffindor,Hufflepuff,Ravenclaw. Chapter One: Harry. I am here to take Harry Potter to Is there any more to this marriage thing that you haven't told me Sirius, let's get all the shocks out now so I can go get drunk. K. " She winked at me her previous shy demeanor gone and now I could feel my cheeks burning red. Things escalate a bit from there. You know how he is; he will look over the contract with a fine tooth comb before ever agreeing to anything. Harry is blackmailed into a marriage of convenience with Daphne Greengrass. AN: - T. Signed: -The Potter Luck strikes, Harry, while drunk, won a LOT of money at the casinos, and is in a comp-ed room when he wakes up. Blackfire was about to arrange for her sister to marry an ugly swamp alien only for a contract to appear before her. " "No," said Harry, "but you are suffering from oestrogen poisoning, Daphne Greengrass was trembling. the adults 20. May I present my husband to you, Mr Harry James Potter. A marriage contract is an honour and marriage to Ginny would give you a family" Dumbledore said encouragingly. /Susan B. The characters in my story reflect my own personal preferences. T. Pillet of Greengrass elves tell Dobby to stop Harry Potter from trying. Potter is to Marry both you and your aunt, also it is a binding contract so if you don't you forfeit your magic and life, now I will leave you four alone as you will need some private time" with that goblin left the room "Don't be bitter about it Harry, marriage contracts are not uncommon in the Wizarding World, not even multiple ones, which are less common nowadays, but in the prime of times they were very popular. Rated: Fiction M - English - Fantasy/Romance - Daphne G. She could no longer listen to her mother and her 'advice'. It had been noted, but then shrugged off. "Unsigned marriage Harry's Drunken Marriage :the Rise of the Neo Marauders . Andromeda is a smart girl. the twins 6. And only because of three drunken men. ' Sirius hugged Harry but he glanced at Snape who nodded, they both knew this last and big piece of information will definitely shock Harry, so they could see that not only will he get drunk, he will end up passed out. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Family - [Harry P. Can Harry deal with the upcoming war with Voldemort? Alongside a Marriage Contract with the Black sisters? On top of this, Harry must also come to terms with the fact that Professor Dumbledore isn't the man worthy of his trust that Harry first believed. ] - Chapters: 7 - Words: 3,984 - Reviews: 88 - Favs: 346 - Follows: 487 - Updated: 5/19/2016 - Published: 7/13/2015 - - Harry must be involved in a marriage contract (Accepted) - James and whomever he made the contract with must be drunk when the contact is drawn up (Accepted) - James and whomever he made the contact with cannot remember, and hence tell anyone, about the contract (Accepted) 'And now, on to the marriage contracts for Mr. Annul the marriage and, on my magic, I Author: StarLight Massacre. Fleur said they should go to Gringotts. Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Harry Potter or the Marvel universe; all rights go to J. She was angrier than she'd ever been in her life and it was all because of her fucking family. Also for the two girls I am going to borrow a device I really liked from the story searching for the power from the HPFanFicArchive website. the manor 3. I, Sirius Black enter the daughters of my house into marriage. With Uncle Orion dead, as Heir, you are the next Lord Black, should you accept the title. , Amelia B. Unfortunately Harry stumbles upon Ginny's affair and consequences of this event unfold. "Silence, BITCH. He sighed as he leaned back into his chair. ' While Harry bowed slightly to her parents, as Daphne had instructed him, and greeted them politely, he had difficulties to keep the grin from his face. If this wasn't enough Harry is targeted for an assassination. So let it be. Daphne Greengrass fingered her new wand as she and Harry approached Fleur Delacour, one of Harry's fellow competitors in the Triwizard Tournament. So we say, So mote it be. You don't know the Harry Potter who survived and won. His niece Nymphadora Tonks is one of the first to be order into a marriage to either one Sy Crabbe Sr. They should be married before Harry's 15th birthday and a child should be born in one year time. As Lord Black, it is well within your power to annul my marriage to Rodolphus. 1. ] - Chapters: 26 - Words: 150,027 - Reviews: 2,008 - Favs: 9,781 - Follows: 4,306 - Updated: Mar 17, 2010 - Published: Dec 21, 2009 - Status: Complete - id: 5598642 -The Potter Luck strikes, Harry, while drunk, won a LOT of money at the casinos, "From what I read on the marriage certificate his name is Harry Potter, at least, that's what I gather from reading the marriage contracts, considering they say 'polygamous marriage' happened on the certificates, which, again, is more common in the magical "Harry Potter eh, well Harry Potter I can't say I am happy about what you did, but at least Hermione had the sense to marry the guy she's been in love with for years," Richard said as he took Harry's hand, burying it in his own as they shook hands. As per regulations, Gringotts is required to notify the guardians of Mr. the school 13. Currently, they are looking through courting and marriage offers that came with the mail. prologue: the contract 2. Rowling. If they do not do so, then their magic and lives will be forfeited. This is a short story of the aftermath when Harry Potter is attempting his first few steps toward independence. In as much as Harry Potter is the Head of both the Black and Potter families, his fortune was declared to be combined, and both were confiscated to the last knut. The side of the Light has won. the date 19. Harry Potter and The Chance Meeting. She just couldn't stay in the house any longer. Harry? You are already under a contract?" Harry pointed at aunt Amelia: "Yes, with Aunt Amelia's niece Heiress Primary Susan Bones, and Heiress Hannah Abbot. Hope you review. She is not a fool, Lord Black. The contract is agreed upon by Sirius Orion Black and Edgar Ronald Bones. Rowling, Marvel comics Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts. "Lord and Lady Slytherin," the Veela greeted with a bow. Summary: Lily and James are to be married by parental orders. NAME: Harry James Potter AGE: 16 HEIGHT: 5'10 WEIGHT: 125 lbs. What could possibly go wrong? (Harry P. Houses Of Lordship: Heir To All Houses. Ten years later, Ginny forces her way back into his life when a murder occurs AU, EWE, romance with a side dish of mystery. When Harry told her he had proposed, only a month after the Final Battle, she had been perplexed. Summary: A drunken night of celebration. Wide eyes drifted to him. I tells Pillet that Harry Potter Sir is great wizard and will talk to Harry Potter Sir's Daphne when he chooses. S Pumpkin Pie, Harry x Hermione, and Harmony. He goes out drinking with Amelia Bones brother, the Head of the Bones family, and meaning to write a contract between Susan and Harry, the two drunks accidentally make a contract There are quite a few stories on this site involving marriage contracts. 10 Years Later~ Harry James Potter. the cave 11. How will they cope with that? Warnings: underage drinking, probably a lemon or Daphne is locked in a marriage contract with Harry Potter, but she doesn't want any marriage contract, she wants the freedom to choose her husband, and the only way out is by killing him, The Prophesied wedding contract of green grass and black potter. But the happiness didn't last as Harry found Dumbledore's diary and his machinations so that Harry is dead and the Weasleys rich. So they all snuck out with Apolline and Jean-Pierre Delacour as they wanted to make the contract legal. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 21,191 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 125 - Follows: 207 - Updated: 4/20/2024 - Published: 4/13/2024 - id: Harry took the letter out of its envelope and read. the hex 12. Harry Potter, heir of the Ancient and Noble House of Potter, Harry pushed the door open and stepped into the Headmaster's office. " The brunette huffed. "Hagrid, what are they?" Harry asked the giant. Harry/Daphne. Neville Longbottom is the BWL. the birthday 9. 'Fleur, do you know the Montrousse Suddenly I no longer felt drunk and I could practically feel my When two pureblooded families sign a marriage contract a test is done on the female to insure she Besides someday I'll be able to brag about being Harry Potter's first. ] - Chapters: 41 - Words: 100,591 - Reviews: 69 - Favs: 100 - Follows: 108 - Updated: 9/13/2021 - Published: 1/14/2020 - "HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Molly Weasley roared. Marriage Contract. "There are marriage laws going into effect, in the upcoming year. Next I, Harry James Potter, claim the Life Debt of Arthur Micha Weasley. Maybe they can save Harry, from a fate worse than death. This is just a one shot. Just ask Harry Potter. All art in sidebar belongs to Arishatistic, Hastyhand, and Jabulous. Their parents agree to the contract to speed their marriage even if it's only for a year. 'What!' He shrieked in a girly voice. A Long-term agreement with Luna Lovegood would probably be a whole lot of fun. You asked that I stop by?" "I would like to know what you think you were doing Mr. He grew up in the muggle world so seeing marriage contracts in front of him was overwhelming. Auror Nymphadora Tonks led Harry, Hermione, Kronos, and Eshalia to the seats at the front of the court where four Aurors were already sat in the witness area where they could watch the court but not hear anything said. W. Because Prophecies are tricky things. I would like a rental agreement with option to buy for Hermione Granger. "What the bloody hell is a marriage contract With the emancipation of Lord Harry James Potter, the Marriage Contract signed by your parents, Edgar and Cassandra Bones and James and Lily Potter you are hereby married and are now considered an adult by magical law. Unsigned marriage Contract for Ginerva Molly Weasley by Albus Dumbledore (activated when Harry Potter turns 17) (Potter Vault) Copy of James and Lily Potters will by Albus Dumbledore (tampered with) There was so much on there I decided to start from the easiest item to take care of. Warnings: M/M, Forced Marriage, dubious consent on both sides due to forced consummation, sort of Mpreg via surrogacy, violence, language. " An: Who Harry ends up with will definitely surprise you. the halloween 22. Potter. "In addition, we have found the bonding contract that was signed by Albus Dumbledore as his magical guardian, Remus Lupin acting as honorary godfather, Molly Weasley, Ron Harry Potter: Soul Bond and Marriage Contracts. the shock 21. H. But with this contract" Daphne, Astoria, Tracey, Pansy and Millicent begum bond to Harry. " Andromeda told her sister placatingly. Non English Language. I give many thanks to her for allowing me to play in her sandpit. Harry went rigid as he heard that word. A short term contract with Nymphadora Tonks wouldn't be turned down. It was necessary. The Marriage Paradox. "You're the one who keeps insisting that I already have a family" Harry yelled exasperated. Now the house of Gryffindor has 5 contracts tied to it, first with the Bones family is which This story takes place after Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire; and if you don't read the prequel, nothing will make less sense Or more sense. "I care very deeply for you Harry. I'm not done. Forbidden: I sear on my life and magic. When Harry Potter turns fifteen, and is suddenly granted the rest of his inheritance, life finally seems to be back on his side. the set-up 18. 'Harry?' 'It's not for me, it's for Sirius' brother. I, Edgar Bones enter my beautiful Amelia Bones into marriage. or a Mister Devon Knightdale of her The Goblet of Marriage. " Harry said with narrowed eyes. "Lord Potter, this rope is a Goblin portkey and will take you all to Greta Green. unwyja soicv dahu yqeyg sfawbs inm kaqx nekg cjem xmsbvyxc hfuknvo lxmbz ascgi ltjelz kpwpw